Tips for IB Mandarin Teachers Conducting the Internal Oral Assessment

(Note that this article is translated from the Chinese version.)  

Every year’s February to March is the most busy time for International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) schools to conduct internal assessments. Today I am going to share with you some tips on oral assessment for Language B Standard Level (BSL) course, in order to lessen the burden of teachers who are preparing for the assessments.

Choose Visual Stimuli Carefully

Firstly, here’s a brief introduction to some basic internal BSL assessment requirements.

The assessment of the general course (BSL) is designed to measure student’s ability on understanding and producing communication in 
the target language, and to use the language in interactions successfully. Before starting the assessment, teachers need to prepare some visual stimulating materials according to the subject of the course, and let students participate in the task to demonstrate their language ability. The visual Stimuli will need to align with any of the five IB DP themes: Identities, Experiences, Human Ingenuity, Social Organization and Sharing the Planet.  

According to the Language B guideline: “a ‘visual stimulus’ may be a photo, a poster, an illustration or an advertisement. Any language that naturally 
appears on the image should be minimal and must be in the target language. It must not provide vocabulary 
and structures that would give a student an unfair advantage…” (Language B Guide, p. 43)

In addition, teachers must be mindful of the following tips when choosing a visual stimuli:

  • Clearly relate to one of the five themes;
  • Name the theme of the visual stimuli clearly;
  • Link strongly to the culture of the target language;
  • Make sure the piece give enough opportunities for students to demonstrate their international mindset;
  • Provide ample opportunity for students to describe a scene or a situation;
  • Allow students to make personal connections;
  • Make sure the stimulus can help students to start a broad and deep dialogue;
  • Age appropriate;
  • Only use materials that students haven’t seen before.

Visual Stimulus Samples 


Suggested topics to discuss: health and wellbeing, lifestyle

Human Ingenuity

Suggested topics to discuss: communication and media, innovation and technology


Suggested topics to discuss: customs and traditions

Social Organizations

Suggested topics to discuss: social relations, education

Sharing the Planet

Suggested topics to discuss: the environment

Time to Start the Individual Oral Assessment

The individual oral assessment for the BSL is divided into three parts: oral presentation, follow-up discussion and general discussion. Students are given 15 minutes to prepare before the assessment, which they do under supervision. The timing of the 15-minute preparation period starts with the student being clearly shown two stimuli (of different themes), from which the student chooses one stimulus for the assessment of the individual oral activity. During preparation time, students can write short notes (up to 10 main points) on blank paper sheets prepared by the teacher. Students can use these notes as a reference when presenting, but they should never be reading aloud as if they were prepared scripts.  

Three Parts of Individual Oral Assessment

評估標準 學生 老師 限時
第一部分: 口頭表達 標準A:語言、 標準B1:訊息——視覺啟發材料 1. 跟老師問好,但不可以說自己的名字、考生編號或學校等任何個人信息。學生可以說:「老師好,今天我選擇的圖片跟......主題有關。」; 2. 描述圖片:介紹所選圖片的內容,比如時間、 地點、圖片裡有什麼人、發⽣了什麼事、為什麼會這樣、你的想法、感受或個人經驗。學生可以說:「圖中有/我看到......」; 3. 把圖片與相關的主題、中國文化聯繫起來。 1. 不說話,只會計時、錄音,直至學生完成第一部分為止 2. 不要打斷學生,除非他們需要明顯的協助 3-4分鐘
第二部份:後續討論 標準A:語言 標準B2: 訊息——對話 標準C: 互動交流技能——溝通交流 1. 積極回應老師的提問; 2. 補充說明在第一部份已經提供的內容; 3. 繼續分享跟圖片主題相關的個人經驗,舉出例子並說明原因; 4. 猜想圖片可能跟哪些中國文化有關,展示對中國⽂化的理解等; 5. 針對圖片相關的話題,比較自身文化與中國文化。 1. 若學生沒有說完第一部分的內容,老師會在這裡打斷,說:「很抱歉打斷你,但我們現在要進行下一步的討論。」或「謝謝你的分享。」,然後直接提出後續討論裏面的問題。 2. 針對學生在第一部份表達的主題進行提問,比如: ● 你覺得圖片中的人為什麼這樣做? ● 如果你是圖片裏的人,你會怎麼做?為什麼? ● 要求學生提出建議或改善辦法等 3. 請學生說明或補充個人想法;鼓勵聯繫和比較自身文化與中國文化的經驗或說明其發展;鼓勵展示對中國⽂化的理解和欣賞。例如: ● 你有進行過類似圖片中的活動嗎?為什麼? ● 圖片中的活動跟你本身的文化有什麼相同或不同的地方? 4-5分鐘
第三部份:綜合討論 標準A: 語言 標準B2: 訊息——對話、 標準C: 互動交流技能——溝通交流 1. 積極地跟老師用五個主題(身份認同、體驗、人類發明創造、社會組織、共享地球)中的至少另外一個或者多個主題作為起點、進行綜合討論,達到真正的互動 2. 口語結束時,跟老師道謝。如說:「謝謝老師」。 1. 示意讓學生知道口試要進入第三部份。如老師可以說:「剛才的討論很精彩,我們來進⾏最後的綜合討論吧!」 2. 連繫學生學習過的五個主題、針對至少另外一個或多個主題進行提問(要選擇跟啟發材料不同的主題開展討論) 3. 澄清或擴展學生在其他主題中的觀點及看法 4. 請學生解釋、評價談到的一些想法和觀點 5. 鼓勵聯繫和比較學生自己與其他的文化體驗,展示對所學語言文化的理解等 5-6分鐘

Download the Above Note

The above note is simply from a personal opinion and may not be suitable for all schools. However, if you think it’s helpful, you can click the button below to download it (the document is in Chinese): 

I hope my tips and notes can help teachers and students. I wish all the educators and learners good luck in the assessments!

Crystal Chan

Crystal Chan

Ms. Chan is an experienced teacher, she has been teaching in international schools for more than ten years in Hong Kong and Shanghai. She is currently a Chinese teacher at Renaissance College, leading the Chinese curriculum program. She teaches the International Baccalaureate Middle Year Programme (MYP) Chinese course and Diploma Programme (DP) Chinese and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course.

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